Download Back to top

Download all the necessary file via Ko-fi. All the files can be opened using Notepad or any text editor. Simply unzip the file, drag and drop the individual file into the notepad app.


Installation Back to top

  1. Visit your Streamelements web dashboard and proceed to the overlay section.
  2. Click on Create New Overlay if you don't have an existing overlay or Edit to add the widget onto your existing overlay.
  3. Click on the Add Widget button or the + button, proceed to 'Static / Custom' section and click on 'Custom Widget'.
  4. streamelements Custom Widget streamelements Custom Widget
  5. Next, click on Open Editor button and replace everything with the files you downloaded from Ko-fi, on their respective tab, HTML file on HTML tab, CSS file on CSS tab and so on.
  6. streamelements Custom Widget streamelements Custom Widget
  7. Click on 'Done' once you finished.
  8. A 'Customization' tab will appeared under the setting section. You can customize your chat widget under this section.
  9. streamelements Custom Widget
  10. You can edit your widget size under 'Position, size and style' section. You can ignore the 'Animation Settings'. That is it.
  11. streamelements Custom Widget
  12. You can now copy your overlay url and use it as a browser source in OBS.

Color Picker Back to top

8 digits hex color picker. Use the slider to set both color and it's transparency level.

Support Back to top

Please post your issue on Discord.